Sunday, May 2, 2010

Anyone there?!

Hello, to the TWO followers that read my blog.

Ummmmm yah so I need adivce on how to get my blog read! I mean I don't even know how to search for blogs other then pressing the [next blog] button at the top of the page.
Seriosly guys I need some readers or havng a blog is pointless. So the advice would really help haha. Anyways this weekend was a good weekend. I can see the LIGHT! 
 because it's already May!! Thats means summer is soo close.

Hang in there school goers...even though it's hot as hell outside..phew.

Ok see yah..and dont forget to give me the advice.

Citizen #4: Ash Ketchum
Class: Fictional

Description: You should should know.

Probably the coolest 10 year old ever.